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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Turning the World Upside-Down part Deux

     Something I like about this magazine is the fact that there is no crap. They leave out the BS that comes along with something like the Times.  It's why I keep coming back here. I think that these articles inform their readers of things of importance. I do not care about politics, war, social media (oh yeah, to follow up on a previous post, I cleaned my Facebook friends lists significantly). I do not believe in "America's Freedom". Sure, you can say whatever you want, as long as it isn't blasphemy or considered offensive. Oh, and if you say anything that someone doesn't like, they can sue you for all you're worth. Right. You can practice any religion you want, but you will be ridiculed by much of society if you're not Christian. Say, for instance, you are a Muslim. You can't even build a mosque to practice in without a massive stir in the media. You cannot simultaneously acknowledge a right and insist that your government suppress it. We are a country composed of filthy hypocrites. But back to the subject: SA is a magazine that leaves all that crapola at the door. Their writers are unbiased scientist/journalism double majors (probably), and that is how I think a person should write. And I decided to take the title of a different yet related post because I find it so fitting.
     Anyway, I find the fact that the South Pole can move so much...sort of boring now that I've just ranted about that. Basically, it moves a whole lot, some guys are trying to pinpoint its movements, and it's cool and stuff. I completely lost interest in writing about it. Oh well. Moving on!

If you're actually interested, here is the link. Knock yourself out.

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