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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Scheduling Issues Still Exist at HHS

I'm sure you all know who wrote this, but here is the link to the article on Wicked Local.

     As a student at Hanover, I am embarrassed. My peers and I agree that there are numerous educational problems withing the school. The students who actually want to learn are suffering and the ones who don't aren't getting the valuable lessons the average high school has to offer. In September, I was triple-booked between AP Language and Composition, a new course being offered, AP Music Theory, and Honors Physics. I went with English (hence this blog), and I am disappointed. A short, off-topic rant. I am satisfied with the course, but it is not what I love. My favorite thing in the world is music; I'm pretty sure there hasn't been an essay thus far that I haven't tied to it. I am sad that I wasn't given the chance to take it my junior year for two reasons. The first is if I choose to pursue music for a living, I will not be nearly as prepared when auditioning for colleges. Second, I will not be able to apply the knowledge I would've gained during my senior year. I'm one of the geeks who practices for three hours a day every day, and it's a shame I don't get to learn about what I love really every day. Not that I don't like writing, it's just I hate reading. I don't find any of the books we read in school entertaining at all, and every second I waste reading one of the absolute crap books, such as Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, could be spent bettering my musicianship. I am disappointed.
     The administration has done an incurable wrong. They have destroyed my schedule for both junior and senior year. I had my high school career planned out, and now I am left with almost nothing. Honors physics to AP, put AP Theory to use, two AP Englishes. Not only did I waste an entire summer on AP Music Theory work, but I will never be able to follow the path that I wanted because of my lack of strength in my schedule as a result of poor planning withing the high school administration. I feel cheated, put down, and unimportant to my community, and my parents pay their goddamn taxes. As Kelly said, I am far from the only one that got screwed up schedules. My solution? Stop sitting around and fire those responsible. Kick them to the curb like they did to me. Fair is fair. The Peter Principle certainly applies here, as it seems some of the higher-ups neglect their jobs and screw over the people who actually are going to matter some day. I am infuriated still.
     Kelly deserves a round of applause. She had the audacity to publish this daring article and dangle it right in front of Doctor Nash's nose. And what can she do about it? Freedom of speech, right? The very next time she slips up (again off-topic, but remember her speech at graduation? Embarrassing...) there will be another bashful article in the paper signed Jim Calabro, HHS Class of 2013. Geddes uses logos, ethos, and pathos effectively, writing a very distinct article that convinces easily and wholly. The one suggestion I have is to get an actual statistic instead of saying, "I cannot name a single person who did not have some sort of scheduling issue," (Geddes) Kelly presents a serious problem: how can any of us take pride in this school when we have such incompetent people failing to educate us?

1 comment:

  1. I love how much of a hater you are Jim keep up the good work.
