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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Reader Response Blog: Bless Me, Ultima 3

     To start, I enjoyed the scene about the play. It was a nice break from a very solemn read. I think that Anaya did this intentionally. When the reader feels like this book is too heavy for them, he throws in something nice and light to brighten the mood. However, it is straight back into the action, launching us into the scene where Tenorio kills Narciso. I actually thought this segment was well written for a change. I haven't enjoyed pretty much everything about this book thus far, and I actually did like the way he handled this. The fact that Tenorio tried to kill Antonio as well shows a lot about his character. Antonio is only a child! He was just in a Christmas Pageant! And while I don't think he's the brightest bulb out there, he certainly means well. Uncool man.
     Also, Antonio, I like your outlook on life, but I dislike the fact that you think God should reward everyone no matter what. I think it is immature to think that even though every person is a sinner, every person is perfect. I think that you should stop making such a big deal about minor mishaps and start to focus on punishing those who actually commit crimes, say, killing someone. You will live a more productive life and actually accomplish something (that is not a guarantee). Anyway, I know he is a kid, but he is too early to be questioning every single person's actions and his own beliefs. Plus, as I said previously, I'm sick of hearing about it. He is such a whiner.
     To sum up my current opinions of the book, I will admit it has become more tolerable. I still do not like it for the same reasons, but I'm past the whole Spanish thing. I will never learn that language though. I really dislike the way it sounds and reads. I give this portion of the book a C+ because I found the plot much more interesting, though there were plenty of dull points.

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