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Thursday, December 29, 2011

7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making you Miserable

That's a nice little collar you have there, buddy.

     If every person were to read this article, I feel the world would be a better place. Yes, it is on Cracked, but why does that mean it has to be a stupid, tasteless joke? In writing this, I am 100% sincere. Except for the caption up there. There is so much to say about this.
     To start, David Wong raises mostly valid points, all of which I have never consciously pondered but always observed. The first thing that comes to mind is "raging" as depicted in number six. I know someone who got so mad at Call of Duty that he threw his whole Xbox at a wall. Coincidentally, the only things that broke were his actual game (still inside the console) and his temper. I will say this now: Fall Out Boy is a fine band. Watch this if you think otherwise. Specifically, something that I desperately agree with, meaning I wish that it could be changed, is the fact that our news differs so much. I have seen different broadcasts conveying polar messages myself. I have never really put any thought into it.
     That brings me to my next point: this article is a giant meta-cognition. Wong thought about why people all over the internet are thinking. Here is my challenge to you, reader. Do the same. Perform a meta-cognition like Wong, finding your own reasons why the 21 Century is trash. Or maybe you reach a conclusion that it is, in fact, treasure. Gather your own evidence to support it, meaning personal experiences. Don't get anything about it off the internet, and we will see what spectacular conclusions arise.
     I have another challenge: take the naked photo test. Okay, I lied, that was another joke. This actually goes back to my psychopath post. There are some people out there who just don't give a rat's fart. These people are the ones to whom the test would not matter, because they won't even acknowledge that they have a nude out there because of their lack of care. Bo McDermott always makes fun of me for my indifference, and I think I now know exactly what he means. But, anyhow, I have several people I would trust with a naked photo of myself. Also, I can count them on my hands; I don't (or won't?) go around handing out pictures of myself. I think I tend to trust people too much with really big things, and too little with the trivial bits. I don't know if this is the reason why, but I think this is it. In music, one must completely trust their band mates or else you crash and burn. I feel like performing, especially in jazz, has led me to trust more people. The reason why America is so miserable at the moment is because we have lost sight of art. We are happy so sit in our rooms and play some stupid, mind-rotting video game of someone else's design, aiming only to capture your money. If we could only put down the lap-tops, remotes, and iPhones, so much more could and would be accomplished. Not to say that everyone rots their brains, but that we need that to become the norm. Pick up an instrument, write a short story, or paint a picture. Do something that you can brand yourself with and take pride in! Changing your emblem in Black Ops does not count as expressing yourself.
     I have been without a cell phone for over a month now. I got my first and only phone (pre-paid) for Christmas freshman year. From then to now, there was seldom a day that I didn't check it. I went without it for about a month once, but then I took a trip by myself and had to use it. Anyway, I haven't put any money on it for about a month. The reason why? I am perfectly happy without it. Sure, it may be a little harder to get in touch with my friends, but I can always call their houses. I have found that the cell phone is a hindrance. I have more money to spend and save, I can actually pay attention to my life and thoughts, and I can finally stop talking to people. I've had three-day conversations with people before. Looking back on it, it is embarrassing. I never even said anything useful or inspiring (or hateful...Tim), it was just blank conversation. Like a man from UNT once said, "I was living to die." Not that a cell phone determines whether or not I accomplish anything, but the way us teenagers use them is certainly a major factor. The ones who are glued to their phone(s) are the ones who will live mediocre, mainstream lives. Again, I am not a hipster, but I just want something more than a white fence and green lawn.
     Final notes may include that I am currently going to get my guitar to write a song, practice for SEMSBA, and build a house. Oh, wait, I did that last summer in Mississippi for a person who lost everything in Katrina.  I won;t even begin to tell you how good it felt. We only did a small part of the construction, but it was crucial, and I feel like I did a good job to help a guy out. I bid you good luck with the challenge, and as soon as you've finished, don't hesitate to tell me or send me it. Have fun, and go do something with your life!

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