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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Rules for the New Year

Here is the link to the article by Bill Maher.

     I went into this article expecting a serious list about how poorly structured and impractical the average Joe's New Year's resolutions are, and was blown away at its content. Instead of the stone-faced truth that I wanted to read, I was instead given a comedic group of ideas that all were unique. I don't follow the presidential race (although I should, I can vote for 2012), but I know just enough to actually understand the jokes. Only, any time Rick Perry is mentioned, I start foaming at the mouth, so I didn't actually like all of them. I thought that Maher raised a good point in the beginning. Why must New Year's resolutions be about self-improvement? Can't you help your family or community? I think that people sometimes forget that running every day isn't the only thing you can do to make yourself feel good.
     I enjoyed Maher's poking fun at online journalism. I agree that people documenting the clothes that celebrities wear should constitute the returning of a degree, but also removal from Earth. There is nothing more that I can't stand than the news feed I see when I log onto my Yahoo email. For instance, today, the first article I saw was called Dennis Rodman's Racy New Job I skimmed it and it is about how some basketball star is now coaching a topless woman's league. Simply put, I do not care about Rodman or some stupid basketball league. While I find Yahoo especially guilty of this, it is surely not the only site that puts out such news. My sister watches E! News and whenever I hear it on in the background it ticks me off. The stupid host's voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, and despite my best efforts, I cannot restrain from telling Maria to watch something good, possibly Doctor Who. I also thought that the one about the natural disaster was funny. I particularly liked the line about them being "swallowed up by the earth". It was a quick read, I would recommend it for something to do. Nice job Bill.

1 comment:

  1. I actually gave up making resolutions, and I've been good about keeping my resolution not to make any . . . The E! or TMZ shows are black holes . . . It's too bad our society is fettered with such nonsense . . .
