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Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Beginning of the End

     I sit here listening to Soul Meets Body, thinking about the new year and the last one. I cannot bring myself to say the number 2012. It just feels so remote, almost robotic. I accomplished so much in 2011, more than any other year in my life. Almost nothing went wrong, I can't even name anything that did. Chronologically, my favorite parts of 2011 were picking up the tenor, the Annapolis trip, and all the new friendships I've made. 2011 was the year I learned how to sort out the good people from the bad. I learned how I am going to conduct myself, who I will allow to be around me, and what I want to do in life. 2011 was a fantastic year, for it was the year in which my life came together. Although I have never had any physical problems, I have been wondering mentally, and I decided exactly who I am with much difficulty. I am not ready to leave it behind.
     2012 has been dubbed doomsday. December 21 is coming. I cannot wait to see what the media makes of it. I will be all over Cracked and the Times all next December. The Earth is not going to end. Do some research. Nothing will ever change; it never does. This is what I am afraid of: I go to school on Friday, December 21, and get wrecked by some drunk redneck who prefers to listen to mainstream media (see the outrage effect) than to listen to the logic of scientists. Astronomers agree that Planet X will not hit, nor pass near Earth. Nice try Nancy Lieder, but you are confused and a filthy liar. You cannot communicate with extra-terrestrials. I wish you could, if we could only find them. Recall the Random Monkey Theorem. But I'm getting off topic. I want the public to understand that the world will not end. No matter how hard I try, I will never hear the end of it (until December 22) because the news can go to town with it. So many whispers, they will say any of them can be correct, when truthfully, astronomers have already disproved it. But nobody listens to reason anymore. It is even claimed that the date will be a positive transition! Make up your minds! As far as science is concerned, nothing will hit the Earth. 2012, you are not the scariest thing since 2000. You are a phony who will only stir people into fear.