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Monday, January 16, 2012

A Long Overdue Rant on Scheduling...AGAIN

     Yes, I ranted about it before in response to Kelly's article in the Mariner. Today is one of the worst days of all time. I can only think of two others so bad. Today is terrible because I have a physics lab to do. The highest grade I've ever gotten on one was a B-. I have only not gotten a perfect score or above perfect score on one of Doc's tests which proves that I know the material thoroughly. Why the f**k should I have to do a lab that takes three out of my four days off to do? It pisses me off to no end. It's not that I'm mad at Doctor DeFranzo; it is a part of his course. I am ticked off because I got forced into doing this garbage. The guidance department and the administrators responsible should have been fired for the atrocity that occurred. My peers and I have been put at a disadvantage that cannot be undone. I would've thought that the administration would at least try to stay on the ball with NEASC right around the corner.
     My year is a joke. I am not learning anything. English is the only class I consider remotely challenging, and that's only because of the work load, not the content. Why should a kid who sleeps through a level one class he was forced into, yet still gets the highest grade in the class, need to do the busy work that comes with level one classes? Work will be the death of me. As long as I am learning, work is no big deal. But when it gets to the point that I know the concept, I need to move on or else I go insane. The only productive part about physics is that I practice sight reading music all the time. I haven't learned anything because I'm not compatible with the class. I only know one other person in my class who gets the material like I do, and she feels the same way as I do. Oh and there are a couple in the other level one that got forced in like me who also treat it like a study and get A's. It is too hard for me to actually concentrate on this stupid, pointless lab that I really just feel like guessing with the numbers because I know that even if I got a zero on this lab I would still have an A. I can't do this. F word. To summarize, I wish to learn, but my school will not allow me to. I am ashamed to be graduating from Hanover High.


  1. I'm sorry, Jim. Yeah, they really screwed up. You don't deserve this; no one does. At least they'll fix it for your senior year, right?

  2. Physics has to be the most hated class in the school. I don't think anyone wants to be a physicist when they grow up.

  3. I actually am still considering it, I just hate this stupid usy work because I had to be put into the class.
