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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is GPS All in Our Heads?

Here is the link to the article.

     I chose this article because it has much to do with the last post I made. Humans are not only losing social skills, but now they are losing basic survival skills. If there was some sort of apocalypse, the ones without the GPSes would be the only survivors. During my driving hours about a year ago, the instructor had me drive someone home, and even though I knew exactly where he lived because we are old friends, she insisted on plugging it into the GPS, "just in case." People's faith in themselves is diminishing past the point of return. I much agree with the article; humans need to experience navigation for themselves, and I personally believe they need to be cognitive of it at a very young age to develop the skill. There are really no upsides to using a GPS other than showing you exactly where you need to go, so why not actually use your head and think about the route you need to take? Another incident of mass indolence.
     I liked the language of the article very much. Actually, it's not that I enjoyed the language so much, but instead I liked a specific analogy. Julia Frankenstein said, while describing the lack of information displayed on a GPS map, "Developing a cognitive map from this reduced information is a bit like trying to get an entire musical piece from a few notes." Beautiful! A GPS is the equivalent of a condensed score! Someone hit the Mr. Ketchen soundboard! This was a very interesting read. I am beginning, through this blog, to finally comprehend the magnitude of human incompetence in life.

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