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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Facebook is Using You

Here is the link to the article.

     The author of this article did something interesting: she implied pathos. She made you feel emotional about the subject although she wrote using only logos and ethos. It makes you want to scream and kick something. She illustrates a miserable paradox: you can't expect to use the internet without being put at some sort of disadvantage, but you still can't not use the internet or you won't be able to function as efficiently because of this age of instant information. This really ticks me off because it shows that big corporations are controlling our lives, and not just because of the mass of time you spend on it for no reason. It is not okay. I will not have Facebook make my life decisions for me. I am my own person, and I will not be raised to die by some dirty, money-filthy pig sitting behind a desk. So here is what we do: create a movement to ban the tracking of web data, rendering us immune to online red-lining. This will be a serious problem unless someone does something big. Will it hurt the economy? Yes, but will it save you, reader? Heck yeah. Take a stand for yourself because God knows nobody else will.
     Actually, this article was a pretty rich example of logos and ethos. It argued using (seemingly) valid points, and presented ideas that a fairly seasoned reader wouldn't know or realize. I felt strongly that the article was correct, which means that she did her job, and did it well. I have a natural distrust of big-game corporations such as Facebook and Google, but that doesn't stop me from using them. I'm writing this using Google Chrome, and was on Facebook an hour ago. This scares me a bit, knowing that every move I make is being recorded, analyzed, and judged by people who I'm sure believe themselves to be better than I am. Sure, many people are eating out of the palm of your hand, but I am not.


  1. Corporations basically choose the president as well. Being a CEO is better than being the president nowadays.

  2. I saw on the Colbert Report yesterday how a group of 20 or so ridiculously rich people spent some crazy amount of money endorsing one of the republican candidates, and how it will actually effect the election results. I wish I could remember all the facts. So basically, they own the president as well.
