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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Before you read this, watch this video. It will only take a minute.

     In this blog, I will break down my views on God once and for all because I constantly get pestered about it, and this will provide a definite place for me to point them. Please do not take this entry personally, I don't aim to offend, insult, or anger people in any way. I do not aim to preach atheism or agnosticism in any way, shape, or form. This will mainly be arguing against a Christian religious system because I am familiar with it. Your religion and moral beliefs do not and will never have any impact on me, and the same should be said about you. Read at your own risk.
     To start, God does not exist, at least not in the traditional sense that Christians accept. Creationism is plain wrong. It has been disproved by science. Hawking put it this way: there was no time before the universe was created. Therefore, there was no time for a being to create the universe. Since time did not exist, neither did anything, including a god. Thus, a major gap in Christian belief is created. There you go. Stephen Hawking disproved God in one sentence. It is worth mentioning that I have never heard a better argument from a Christian.
     God has always been a scare tactic, and nothing more. Christians have been using "him" as a means to get what they want since religion began. Heaven and hell are nothing more than a way to make people fear going against your philosophies. This is one of the most hideous aspects of Christianity. This is how they rose to power to begin with; a system which is fundamentally based in fear, but shrouds itself in claims of love should hold no ground in the world. It has become a mass-scale brain-washing, polluting youth, scaring kids out of free will to either make their parents happy or for fear losing out on heaven or in fear of going to hell.. Christianity makes our kids too stupid to put two and two together: paradise and purgatory are tools used be people who wish to control and contort you. Unless you wish to become a mindless pig, buy into it, because, again, God has already been disproved. They have this idea that they have this thing called the "Mandate of Heaven", or the divine right to rule. Government is only derived from a mandate of the masses. The convoluted idea that they have the rights to my life, freedom, and mind is something that I find absolutely outrageous. In the kid's video about Mine Craft, he claims to be the "authority of America" because he is a Christian. Guess what? I do not care. You will not order me around, order any of my friends around, or convert me because you cannot compete with my massive intellect. I make my own decisions, end of story.
     One of the most frustrating parts of this argument is trying to deal with Christianity's extremists. Some could make a point that they are the worst extremists of any mainstream religion. The main reason in defense of this is that they will distort their precious faith to accommodate what they value outside of God's realm. One of their most controversial subjects is their thoughts on gay marriage. Here is a simple solution in which everyone wins: stay out of it. Your ignorance is already at titanic levels, why not add a little more to it? Homosexuality is not a disease; it is also not something to be ashamed of. The next person to tell me how much they hate gays will be verbally skinned.
     To sum up, I'm sorry Christianity, but your reign of power has come to an end. With the separation of church and state, you have become useless. Your deity has been disproved and your sole purpose today is to corrupt the American population. I stand by what I said on an old post, that religion should be abolished. It causes too much fear, grief, and institutionalization of thought to be allowed to continue. But who am I to tell you off? Take what I have said, or leave it. Just know that it makes no difference to me.

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