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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Starting Again After a Brain Injury This is one of the finest articles I have ever laid eyes upon. I applaud you, Jane Rosett, for you are a soldier who is fighting "The True Good Fight", the fight for one's survival. You are powerful, and I think you are a thing of beauty, not for working so hard to achieve what one would call a state of normality, but for finding the strength to disregard what people assume about you, and for treating yourself like a human-being. Your article is strongly directed to the pathos appeal. One of the main instances of this is how you refer to re-discovering chewing gum. It is such a simple thing, yet it hits as hard as a two trains in a head-on collision. It really made me stop and think about how much I know, but also how much about life that I don't know, if that makes sense. There is so much to learn, and so much to see before I die. I once read somewhere a phrase, so simple and happy, yet depressing all the same. It said, "All I have left to do is die". I wish those to be my final words, and I'm sure Jane Rosett will be able to say this phrase honestly when her time comes.


  1. Wow. This is really powerful. Everyone always hears about how much everyone takes for granted, and this article is just another reminder. Thinking of the most upset I have been in the past few weeks, and what types of things upset me, I feel silly when I see how tough things can be for other people. The most amazing thing is seeing how people can go through such devastating things, and stay strong and determined to keep fighting.
