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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Help Wanted: Leadership

     Hey! Stop criticizing every single person to ever make a mistake! I understand that Obama may not be your best bud, but give the man a break. I would like to see you run for office Mr. Friedman, let us see what happens to your reputation. You will be pulled apart by journalists much like yourself, your limbs and heart scattered and to be picked at by cute little forest animals. Sick, huh? So are you. You fail to see that there is no simple solution that will be the end-all of the world's problems. Think logically. If there was a good solution anywhere, the leaders of the country would have seen it and agreed upon it. How dare you belittle the men who lead this glorious nation? YOU SIR are an ignoble piece of work, because I know that no matter how much I verbally harass you, you will not budge. In fact, we both know it. Your purpose, I feel, is to find the flaws of your life and amplify them. Seriously, comparing Obama to someone like Hoover? Nobody can mess up that badly. I understand that you meant the next person in office will be like ol' Herb, but I was under the impression that you believed Obama would win. And he doesn't go home snickering at the state of the country sipping wine, he probably doesn't sleep as night. There. My claims are just as valid as yours. Provide some actual evidence of corruption being the cause of the state of the economy, and maybe I will be a little more kind.


  1. This was really funny and I totally agree. It seems like there are hundreds of people out there who expect the president to have some magical solution to all our problems, and if they don't solve everyone they must be terrible. I don't think you should criticize anyone without offering an idea that you think is better than theirs, and you better have some solid evidence to back it up. Nice use of vocal words by the way(;

  2. I mean vocab...stupid autocorrect.

  3. While Obama certainly isn't as bad as Herbert Hoover, I have to kind of agree that he lacks leadership qualities. He consistently lets members of the opposite party twist his arm and sacrifices his party's platform, which in part is due to the divided Congress. However, he fails to take strong stances on many issues important to democrats, such as gay marriage and tax loopholes (he did repeal DADT, which I applaud him for). But until he can learn to defend his own platform, I would rather a stronger democrat to the man in office now. But overall, another four years of Obama would be better than anything the Repubs have to offer. Who knows? Perhaps he'll grow a stronger spine in his second term.

  4. ahahah Obama doesn't even run this country, he's a puppet of the ruling elite...the guys with money. funny article, sad nation, end of my comment.
